[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/artandtechnology/Art_and_Tech_009_Jon_Isherwood_2.mp3″ title=”3D Technology and CNC Milling of Stone with Jon Isherwood” artist=”Bridgette Mongeon” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]You are welcome to use this podcast on your website or newsletter. You may also use the images on this blog post. Please copy the images and credit them as indicated.
TOPIC: 3D printing, CNC Milling Stone
GUEST:Sculptor/author/podcast Host Bridgette Mongeon talks with Jon Isherwood, a pioneer in digital technology. They discuss 3D Printing, and CNC milling of stone. Jon is a featured artists in Bridgette Mongeon’s new book 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling.
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Many artists and vendors are featured in Bridgette Mongeon’s book. The Art and Technology podcasts help us to get to know artists and author.
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