Gil Bruvel, Bridgette Mongeon and Joshua Harker present a panel titled Artists as Entrepreneurs at 3D Printer World Expo
The 3D Printer World Expo took place in Burbank California this past weekend January 29-31st. Sculptor Bridgette Mongeon joined artists Joshua Harker and Gil Bruvel in a panel titled Artists as Entrepreneur. With just forty-five minutes to present three artists, there was little time to answer questions from the audience. Many individuals stopped by the art show and talked to the artists during the conference. Still the audience was vast and it was hard to get all of the questions answered.

When not presenting at the conference the artists spent time at the at show answering questions and talking about their work. Photograph by Joan Horvath
To keep the dialogue going, individuals jotted down their email at the panel presentation and were invited to join an online dialogue. There are so many questions artists have about process, vendors etc. It is one thing to be excited and inspired at a conference, it is an entirely different thing to get back to your studio and have questions or problems. One can find his or herself knee deep in searching for a special vendor or they may just feel alone in the creative process. Mongeon developed a new LinkedIn web forum and a facebook page to continue the dialogue. Here is your invite to join the conversation. Log into LinkedIn, or facebook introduce yourself on the forum and join in on the conversation. Post your questions and help answer other artist’s questions. In the introduction thread, as you introduce yourself, please feel free to link to some of your own work that relates to 3D technology and art. A forum is only as strong as its members. Please help us to encourage others to join.

The first “Birds of A Feather- Art and Tech” gathering at the fire pit after 3D Printer World Expo. If you are interested in getting invited to next year’s gathering contact Bridgette Mongeon through this website.
For those staying after the conference, an impromptu fireside chat took place between artists and presenters at the hotel that evening. Vendor ExOne joined the conversation, and even bought the first round of drinks. It was great getting to know all of the artists and learning about their processes and questions. There was so much to say, that for some, the conversation continued at breakfast the following morning. Don’t miss out on next year’s birds of a feather gathering. We will try to do it early in the show, and ask many of the artists from the art show to take part. Subscribe to this page’s news and we will be sure to inform you of the details. Until then, we all look forward to the fireside chat on LinkedIn.
Bridgette Mongeon is available for lectures and workshops-
TWITTER- SculptorWriter
Sculptor’s fine art website
Artist’s online blog
BOOKS Digital Sculpting With Mudbox: Essential Tools and Techniques for Artists.
NEW BOOK 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploration of 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling. May 2015
Art and Technology Podcast http://digitalsculpting.net/